NY 11802 |
Rubber products generally known as "Lathe-Cut" are in most instances cut by different methods and in many shapes; however, these are usually cut from extruded tubing or sleeves. Such extrusions are subject to the Standard Cross-Sectional tolerances set up under the EXTRUDED PARTS page of TOLERANCES. When it becomes necessary to hold the outside diameter, T.I.R. (total indicator reading), thickness (or length), to close tolerances, the part becomes one for precision handling, and special methods can be used to accomplish these results. Two methods will give the above results: hand cutting, which is the most expensive and a driven mandrel cutter, which is less expensive. Both methods are limited by product thickness and wall thickness. The least expensive method is a slicing type machine. It is fairly accurate on thickness, but washers cut by this method are not flat and surfaces are not parallel. Lathe-Cut surfaces may be extruded, cloth wrapped or ground surfaces. If a ground surface finish is desired it should be classified as one of the following: rough, smooth or fine. The ground fine surface will be the most expensive.
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